Date Topic Readings Extras
12/02/24 Program Runtime textbook 13 (all sections) code
11/25/24 Python design practice
11/22/24 Pandas 3
11/20/24 Pandas 2 textbook 10.1.4-10.1.5 pandas tutor
11/18/24 Pandas 1 textbook 10.1.1-10.1.3 code
11/15/24 Memory 2 textbook 12.1.1-12.1.3 explanation of mystery
11/13/24 Program memory 1 textbook 11.1.4 memory spreadsheet
11/11/24 Mutation textbook 11.1.1-11.1.2
11/08/24 Dataclasses and Dictionaries textbook 9.1.7, 9.2
11/06/24 Python lists and loops textbook 9.1.6,9.1.8
11/04/24 Coding with Python - textbook 9.1.1-9.1.5
- Working with VSCode for CS111
11/01/24 Pyret wrapup; how programs run worksheet
10/30/24 Computing on trees textbook 7.1.2 starter code
10/27/24 Midterm quiz
10/25/24 Lists as Data Structures; Trees textbook 7.1.1 lecture capture from last semester
10/23/24 Structured Data for Animations - GameState slides
- finished star code
10/21/24 Datatypes with multiple constructors
10/18/24 Structured data/datatypes textbook 6.1 recursion template
10/16/24 More recursion practice textbook 5.3 starter code
10/11/24 Recursion Practice textbook 5.2.3-5.2.5
10/09/24 Aggregating values from Lists textbook 5.2.2-5.2.3 starter code
10/07/24 List operations practice
10/04/24 From Tables to Lists textbook 5.1 starter code
10/02/24 Functions as inputs starter code
09/30/24 More tables practice handout
09/27/24 Multiple tables continued same as last time
09/25/24 Testing tables and multiple tables - textbook 4.1.5
- How to create a plan
- updated ticket code
- multiple table starter code
09/23/24 Plotting tables and cleaning data textbook 4.2 - Annotated code from last lecture
- Ticket code for this lecture
- data
09/20/24 Processing tables - textbook 4.1.4
- addendum to 4.1.4 (lambda expressions)
starter code
09/18/24 Introduction to Tables textbook 4.1.1-4.1.3 - starter code
- CS111 Table Documentation
09/16/24 Helper functions/Design practice starter code
09/13/24 Conditionals and booleans textbook 3.4 - pen cost
- Ed post follow-up
09/11/24 Functions textbook 3.3 flags
09/09/24 Names, types, and code organization textbook 3.2 emoji (text file)
09/06/24 Composing Images textbook 3.1 code.pyret.org
09/04/24 Welcome and Introduction to Programming code.pyret.org